How to get many enemies when use area2D entered?

Godot 4.02

Question :

Im trying to make tower defense game when a collision hitbox range having some enemies entered it has to clear all inside its hitbox. But it only get newest enemy come to collision shape

extends Area2D

const dot = preload("res://NodeFolder/dot.tscn")

var enemy = null

func _physics_process(delta):
	if enemy != null:

func _on_area_entered(area):
	if area.get_parent() is PathFollow2D:
		enemy = area
func StartAttacking():
	while true:
		if enemy != null:
			var NewDot = dot.instantiate()
			NewDot.global_position = muzzle_2d.global_position
			NewDot.Target = enemy
			NewDot.rotation = rotation
		await get_tree().create_timer(0.5).timeout

Here image source :

:star2: A star for your effort!

You should keep track of all enemies instead of only one.

var enemies_within_range = []

When an enemy enters/exits, add/remove it to the enemies_in_range array.

func _on_area_entered(area):
    if area.get_parent() is PathFollow2D:
        enemies_within_range.append(area)  # Add entered enemy to the list

func _on_area_exited(area):
    if area.get_parent() is PathFollow2D:

Then, you could also handle the attacking with a timer instead of creating a timer every time.

func _on_attack_timer_timeout():
	attacking = true

And use that like this:

func _process(delta):
	if attacking && enemies_within_range.size() > 0:
		var target = enemies_within_range[0]
		if target != null:
			var NewDot = dot.instantiate()
			NewDot.global_position = muzzle_2d.global_position
			NewDot.Target = target
			NewDot.rotation = rotation
			attacking = false
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Thanks!, After reviewed your code i understand how it is work so i created my own based on what you did

extends Area2D

@onready var visual = $"../Visual"
@onready var muzzle_2d = $Muzzle2D
@onready var animation_magic = $AnimationMagic

const dot = preload("res://NodeFolder/dot.tscn")

var enemies = []
var Target = null
var target_found = false
func _physics_process(delta):
	for enemy in enemies:
		if enemy != null:

func _on_area_entered(area):
	if area.get_parent() is PathFollow2D:
		var new_enemy = area

func _on_area_exited(area):
	if area in enemies:
		if area == Target:
			Target = null
			target_found = false
func StartAttacking():
	while true:
		for enemy in enemies:
			if enemy != null:
				if enemy.get_parent().Health <= 0 :
					print("Dont change")
					target_found = true
					Target = enemy
		if not target_found:

		await get_tree().create_timer(1).timeout

func _ready():
	while  true:
		if target_found == true:
			var newDot = dot.instantiate()
			newDot.global_position = muzzle_2d.global_position
			newDot.Target = Target
			newDot.rotation = rotation
		await get_tree().create_timer(1).timeout

Thanks for helping me without cost

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