How to imlement knockback

Godot Version



i have 2 diff area 2d i want my hitbox to push my hurtbox along with my character idk how to implement

class_name HitboxHandler extends Area2D

@export var damage : int = 0
@export var knockback_power : float = 0.0

func _ready() → void:

func on_area_entered(area : Area2D) → void:

if area.has_signal("on_hit"):

Thanks in advance

To push your “Hurtbox” along with your character when your 'Hitbox " collides with it, you can add a knockback effect in the “on_area_entered” function,

Knockback Logic: Calculate the knockback direction based on the positions of the "Hitbox "and “Hurtbox”.

Apply Knockback: Use “apply_central_impulse()” on the “Hurtbox” (assuming it’s a RigidBody2D) to apply the knockback force.
for example–

class_name HitboxHandler extends Area2D

@export var damage: int = 0
@export var knockback_power: float = 0.0

func _ready() -> void:

func on_area_entered(area: Area2D) -> void:
	if area.has_signal("on_hit"):
		# Handle damage

		# Apply knockback
		if area is RigidBody2D:
			var direction = (area.global_position - global_position).normalized()
			area.apply_central_impulse(direction * knockback_power)

This approach will allow your Hitbox to push the “Hurtbox” when they collide.

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If for some reason Ethan’s solution doesn’t work/apply, or your player is a CharacterBody2D (only RigidBodies have apply_central_impulse) here’s how you can do it on the CharacterBody2D default script.

This is yout Hitbox:

class_name HitboxHandler extends Area2D

@export var damage : int = 0

func _ready():

func on_area_entered(area : Area2D):
	if area.has_signal("on_hit"):
		area.on_hit.emit(damage, self)

This is the Hurtbox.

class_name HurtboxHandler extends Area2D

@export var health : int = 100

signal on_hit(damage : float, hitbox : Area2D)
signal apply_knockback(hitbox : Area2D)

func _ready():

func _on_hitbox_hit(damage : int, hitbox : Area2D):
	#manage damage animations and death signals here (I'm simplifying)
	health -= damage 
	#sends the knockback signal to the player,
	#hitbox param is to define the direction of the knockback

And this is your CharacterBody2D default script modified so it handles the knockback.

extends CharacterBody2D

const SPEED = 300.0
const JUMP_VELOCITY = -400.0

# Get the gravity from the project settings to be synced with RigidBody nodes.
var gravity = ProjectSettings.get_setting("physics/2d/default_gravity")

var knocked_timeout = 0
var knockback_power : float = 200

@onready var player_hurtbox = $PlayerHurtbox

func _ready():

func _physics_process(delta):
	# Add the gravity.
	if not is_on_floor():
		velocity.y += gravity * delta

	if knocked_timeout > 0:
		#for a certain timeout the player can't move the character or jump
		knocked_timeout -= delta
		# Handle jump.
		if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_accept") and is_on_floor():
			velocity.y = JUMP_VELOCITY

		# Get the input direction and handle the movement/deceleration.
		# As good practice, you should replace UI actions with custom gameplay actions.
		var direction = Input.get_axis("ui_left", "ui_right")
		if direction:
			velocity.x = direction * SPEED
			velocity.x = move_toward(velocity.x, 0, SPEED)


func _player_apply_knockback(enemyHitbox: Area2D):
	var knockback_direction : Vector2 = Vector2(1, -1).normalized()
	if (enemyHitbox.position.x > position.x):
		knockback_direction.x *= -1
	velocity = knockback_direction * knockback_power
	knocked_timeout = .4

Of course I simplified a lot of things, I just wanted to give you the basic structure for how you can do it.
This is the scene setup:

And here’s the result:

Hope it helps you (or someone who bumps into this question and needs to do it with a CharacterBody2D).


Thanks alot for the help

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