How to load and save things with Godot: a complete tutorial about serialization

The thing with Godot is that there’s no only one solution, you had many solutions.

But before seeing these solutions, you must know what you want to save first.

I’ll help you defining how and where you can use these saved methods, and you decide what to use, deal? Deal.

Before actually starting coding something…

Define what you want to save first

Don’t say:

“I’m going to use [Format Name Here] to save my things”

This will probably over-complicate the process for you and your team. Decide what you really want to save first, and then say:

“That data is going to be saved using [Format Name Here]

If you want

Why? Because is easier to define what tools do you need according your requirements than having the tools first and then meet the requirements.

For this example, let’s assume that we want to save the player health, player name and player points. An integer, a string and a real(float) value.

Decide what format do you want to use to save your data

This step may be tricky, specially for new users. You know what you want to save, but what kind of file are you going to use? Godot let you use whatever you want, so from all file formats that exist, what would be the “ideal” format?

A while ago I made a little flowchart to help you to decide what you need according what you want to save, here’s an updated version:

It can always be modified and improved based on community suggestions.

But should I save nodes?

Most of the time you don’t want to save a node, you want to save the data that node contains.

Save nodes when you want to save the node structure itself, with the current applied values.

Where do I save my data files?

Save to user:// folder.

res:// folder will be read-only when you export the game, but is the perfect path if you’re working with @tool stuff (like plugins).

You can read more about file paths in Godot on its official documentation page.

Available built-in formats

Using ConfigFile

ConfigFile is a helper class that helps you writing INI (.ini) style format, which its structure looks like:

variable_name = <variable value>

This is widely used when you want to save configuration files, I’ve also seen the usage of this format on some mod loaders, where they define the assets and workflow of the mod.

With Godot, you only need to define a ConfigFile object to save or load the data, and each data/section you need to save or load:

# Let's assume the PlayerNode is the node where we save the player data in game
var PlayerNode:Node

var save_path := "user://player_data.ini"

# To save data
func save() -> void:
  var config_file :=

  config_file.set_value("Player", "health",
  config_file.set_value("Player", "name",
  config_file.set_value("Player", "points", PlayerNode.points)

  var error :=
  if error:
    print("An error happened while saving data: ", error)

# To load data
func load() -> void:
  var config_file :=
  var error := config_file.load(save_path)

  if error:
    print("An error happened while loading data: ", error)
    return = config_file.get_value("Player", "health", 1) = config_file.get_value("Player", "name", "UNDEFINED")
  PlayerNode.points = config_file.get_value("Player", "points", 0.0)

The usage from Godot 3 and Godot 4 is practically the same with code. In Godot 3, you’ll need to use an external text editor to see the saved data, Godot 4 let you see your ConfigFile in editor, through Script editor, loading it as plain text.

The main advantage of using ConfigFile is that Godot knows what is saved to a ConfigFile, so data types are preserved, even if is an Object.

Using JSON

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation*, and is widely used for data transference between things that are not directly related but needs and easy and human readable way to transfer that data.

In a file, it may look like a GDScript dictionary:

  "variable_name": <variable value>

There’s no scenario apart from the data transference that I should recommend this format. Its usage really depends on you, and is ok if you don’t use it for data transference.

# Let's assume the PlayerNode is the node where we save the player data in game
var PlayerNode:Node

var save_path := "user://player_data.json"

# To save data
func save() -> void:
  var data := {
    "points": PlayerNode.points

  var json_string := JSON.stringify(data)

  # We will need to open/create a new file for this data string
  var file_access :=, FileAccess.WRITE)
  if not file_access:
    print("An error happened while saving data: ", FileAccess.get_open_error())


# To load data
func load() -> void:
  if not FileAccess.file_exists(save_path):
  var file_access :=, FileAccess.READ)
  var json_string := file_access.get_line()

  var json :=
  var error := json.parse(json_string)
  if error:
    print("JSON Parse Error: ", json.get_error_message(), " in ", json_string, " at line ", json.get_error_line())
  # We saved a dictionary, lets assume is a dictionary
  var data:Dictionary = = data.get("name", "UNDEFINED") = data.get("health", 1)
  PlayerNode.points = data.get("points", 0.0)

JSON has some limitations* which can be summarized on:

  • It doesn’t recognize what a real (float) or integer (int) value is, it saves a number.
  • It can’t save all data types, only arrays, dictionaries, numbers and strings.

But, at the other hand, since is widely used across the whole internet, there are very good editors for this format, not only your notepad app.

Note: Since Godot 4, you can also edit it with Script editor, editor will load it as plain text (even if it’s defined as resource)

Using FileAccess (File)

FileAcess (or just File in Godot 3) is a helper class to write and read files. No fancy stuff, you’re dealing directly with the file itself.

Usually, you use FileAccess in complex scenarios, where you need total control about how the stuff in the file is read or written. Note that most of the FileAcess functions reads and write binary files, only string/text related functions writes and read from human readable text.

This may be useful when you want to write your own format.

# Let's assume the PlayerNode is the node where we save the player data in game
var PlayerNode:Node

var save_path := "user://player_data.dat" # <- custom format

func save(content):
  var file =, FileAccess.WRITE)

func load():
  var file =, FileAccess.READ)
  # Order matters. The same order you use to write, is the order you use to read = file.get_line() = file.get_32()
  PlayerNode.points = file.get_float()

If you try to read the generated file with a text editor you’ll see this:

image of binary data displayed as plain text

Your text editor tries to convert the binary data into unicode characters, resulting in that weird looking characters. The real data may look like this:
image of binary data

Using Resources

Resource is a class that you can serialize directly to a file using Godot ResourceSaver and deserialize using ResourceLoader. They were made for data, they live for data.

Majority (if not all) files you see in editor FileSystem are a Resource.

Resources are something that Godot engine can easily understand, and the way that it loads or save stuff can be modified/extended, so it gives you the same power as if you were writing it with other methods.

Additional to that, since is an Object, this data can:

  • Be shared between instances.
  • Hold methods.
  • Emit signals.
  • Define setter and getter for their variables.
  • Be inspected in editor and manipulated with custom tools.

According to docs:

“… their main advantage is in Inspector-compatibility. While nearly as lightweight as Object/RefCounted, they can still display and export properties in the Inspector. This allows them to fulfill a purpose much like sub-Nodes on the usability front, but also improve performance if one plans to have many such Resources/Nodes in their scenes.” - Link to documentation.

Creating a Resource

extends Resource
class_name PlayerData

@export var name:String = "Default"
@export var health:int = 1
@export var points:float = 0.0

That’s our data class. class_name is optional, but would help us to:

  • Use it in other scripts.
  • Make it appear in the resource creation list.
  • Static type.

Using the Resource

Using our current configuration, saving data would look like this:

# Let's assume the PlayerNode is the node where we save the player data in game
var PlayerNode:Node

var save_path := "user://player_data.tres" # <- tres is Text RESource

func save() -> void:
  var data := = =
  data.points = PlayerNode.points

  var error :=, save_path)
  if error:
    print("An error happened while saving data: ", error)

func load() -> void:
  var data:PlayerData = load(save_path) = =
  PlayerNode.points = data.points

This works, but we miss the power of sharing the data between instances, what we can do is to update the data hold in the node:

# node script
@export data:PlayerData =

and now we can just do on our save/load script:

func save() -> void:, save_path)

func load() -> void: = load(save_path)

This way you keep your data and your node code separated, so the data doesn’t rely on the node and you can share/modify it and let other node handle it.

Notice that PlayerData is not your data, is just your data structure. The actual data is on data variable, that we exported on the PlayerNode

This is because PlayerData is a Script. By itself, it doesn’t do anything and, just like the script of your nodes, it needs to be created (similar to what you do when you attach the script to the node).

But I heard from someone that “resources are insecure”

Image about game encription

Generally, you don’t worry about security.

“… there’s no good reason to prevent malicious users from running arbitrary code, even if you did not provide an official way to do it. But there’s also no good way.” - xananax)

Yes, is true that Resources can execute arbitrary code, but this is true for all resources, not only yours. This is even true for the files you see in FileSystem, and all things loaded from FileAcess that allows to bind complete objects (which includes the script). Is a more complex topic than just “I don’t want to be hacked”, a topic that we don’t need to deal with.

Your resource files are not something that you’ll share with the user, and if you’ll do, you can write custom format parsers to read/write from file, so there’s no problem at the end. This is a long and delicate issue, experts on the matter are discussing about it, but you can still use the resources in the mean time.

I still want to use resources, but I’m worried about security

This is a personal note, but if my previous statement didn’t convinced you, you can still use another advantage of resources: the ability to be able to load and save from custom formats.

Using FormatLoader and FormatSaver

From here I will touch an “advanced” scenario, so I will assume that you will look into documentation when something is not explained and that you knows the basics already.

Godot let you use your custom custom format as if it were a resource, letting you define the steps that it requires to load or save that resource.

Long ago I’ve made an example repository to try this feature: GitHub - AnidemDex/Godot-CustomResource: This is a repository where I make experiments with custom resources in Godot. Hope you may find it informative and useful

Why use a ResourceFormat?

Because you want to use resources, but also want to define the steps it takes to save it or load it.

Is this safe?

As safe as loading/saving plain text files.

Before creating a ResourceFormat we need to define the Resource. Since we have already made one for our examples, we’ll use PlayerData as our Resource.

To achieve this tutorial goal:

  • We will save a plain text file with a custom format.
  • The file extension will be .custom.
  • To keep tutorial “simple”, the format style will be Comma-Separated Values (csv), where:
<player name>, <player health>, <player points>

Creating a ResourceFormatLoader

ResourceFormatLoader is used by the engine with ResourceLoader to determine how to load something.

extends ResourceFormatLoader # <- Class we need to define the loader
class_name PlayerDataFormatLoader # <- Required in order to register it in engine.

## Define which extensions (the file ending, after the "." character) you can handle
## with this loader.
func _get_recognized_extensions() -> PackedStringArray:
	return PackedStringArray(["custom"])

## Return the type of resource this loader will return.
## Since is a custom resource, we must return "Resource"
func _get_resource_type(path: String) -> String:
    return "Resource"

## Return the class name registered for our custom resource if any.
func _get_resource_script_class(path:String) -> String:
  return "PlayerData"

## Return if we handle that type of object.
## Since we handle a custom resource, we check against ClassDB
func _handles_type(type: String) -> bool:
	return ClassDB.is_parent_class(type, "Resource")

## Define how to load our resource, or return an ERROR if something went wrong.
func _load(path:String, original_path:String, use_sub_threads:bool, cache_mode:int):
  var file =, FileAccess.READ)
  if file == null:
    return FileAccess.get_open_error()
  var line = file.get_line()
  var properties = line.split(",")
  if properties.size() != 3:
  var data := = properties[0] = int(properties[1])
  data.points = float(properties[2])
  return data

Now you should be able to do:

func load() -> void: = load("custom_player_data.custom")

The previous script defines a loader for a specific file, in a specific format for our custom resource. All defined methods must be implemented in order to be able to work.

The most important part here is the _load method. This is the part where you define how to read the file, and what is its resource equivalent.

Creating a ResourceFormatSaver

Just as ResourceFormatLoader, engine uses many ResourceFormatSaver to determine how to save the resource through ResourceSaver.

extends ResourceFormatSaver # <- Class we need to define a saver
class_name PlayerDataFormatSaver # <- Required in order to register it in engine

## Return which extension does that `resource` takes.
## Since we just handle one type and one format, we return "custom"
## for all types.
func _get_recognized_extensions(resource:Resource) -> PackedStringArray:
  return PackedStringArray(["custom"])

## Here we see if that resource is the type we need.
## Multiple resources can inherit from the same class,
## and they can even modify the structure of the class or be pretty similar to it,
## so you must verify if that resource is the actual kind of resource
## you can save, and if it's not you let other ResourceFormatSaver deal with it.
## Since we just assumes that our type will be the same always, we just handle
## it as is, but ideally you should filter it.
func _recognize(resource:Resource) -> bool:
  return resource is PlayerData

## Save the actual resource to disk and return OK, or return an Error if something fails.
func _save(resource:Resource, path:String, flags:int):
  if not(resource is PlayerData):

  var data_string:String = "{player_name},{player_health},{player_points}"
  var data = {
  data_string = data_string.format(data)
  var file =, FileAccess.WRITE)
  if file == null:
    return FileAccess.get_open_error()
  return OK

Now you should be able to do:

func save() -> void:, "custom_player_data.custom")

What we do is to verify the resource type and the file extension, and then define how the resource of our type is saved in the given path.

The most important part is _save, where we define the file equivalent of the given Resource.

Going further with a ResourceImporter

A resource importer is an extra step in the resource load, were we first create a new file from a given file, save it to disk and tell godot to use that created file as the resource instead of the original file. See for example png/jpg (image) files, engine import them as ctex files and then returns a Texture from that generated ctex file. You can read more about this in:


Godot can load and save from and to many formats.

It includes some tools to load and save from JSON and INI style files. You can also load and save custom file formats using FileAcess (File in Godot 3).

Godot has its own data type for handling data, Resource, which can be used as an object and modified the way the engine saves and load it from disk.

And… that’s it, hope you find it useful. If you had any feedback, something that you think can be improved or just want to say anything don’t be afraid of doing so.

I have been seeing many questions about how to “properly” save things with Godot in the discord server, so I wanted to write a complete tutorial about how to save stuff, from easy to advanced solutions, for beginners and advanced users, hoping this help for future humans.

Edit: Whoops, forgot to mention, the original post was made in godotforums, but I reviewed and expanded it a little here


Thanks a lot, it’s veeeeeery helpful :grin:

Glad that it helped you :saluting_face:

Hope it can be improved more in the future for more use cases


I’m sure it will :grin:

BTW, I used the json approach and in save() and load() and there is a
json_data and that replace json_string and, not a big deal but might be troublesome for new users.

1 Like

a complete tutorial about serialization

it’s far from complete:
how does one filepick /storage/emulated/0/Downloads or /storage/emulated/0/Pictures if there’s no native file picker for Android in Godot?

what 'user://' means in Godot? and in context of Android, wouldn’t it mean /data/data/myApp? it pretty much led to nowhere in the FileDialog

how does one use request_permissions()?

I ask you to rename that part of your title as it misled search engines.

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Very good points, I’ll make some experiments and update the post with that. Thank you for pointing it out

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Are you sure about this? I thought config files just were text. I haven’t seen anything in them that would indicate it saves data types

Another note about JSON is that it can’t store integer keys on arrays/dictionaries, only string keys, which can be annoying if you’re using them in-game.

They are just text, it uses the same INI style format that any other program would write. ConfigFile doesn’t save data type for built-in types (like the type for a string or an integer) but it does uses the saved data as its hint; for other types (mostly, Object inherited types) it adds the type to the data itself.

Consider the following code:

extends Node

func _ready() -> void:
	var scene = load(scene_file_path)
	var config_file =
	config_file.set_value("Object Type", "Main Scene (Resource)", scene)
	config_file.set_value("Object Type", "Main Node (Object/Node)", self)
	config_file.set_value("Built-in Type", "Integer (int)", 1)
	config_file.set_value("Built-in Type", "Real (float)", 1.0)
	config_file.set_value("Built-in Type", "String (string)", "Hello Godot")"config_file.ini")

That will generate the following INI file:

[Object Type]

"Main Scene (Resource)"=Resource("res://serialization_playground.tscn")
"Main Node (Object/Node)"=Object(Node,"_import_path":NodePath(""),"unique_name_in_owner":false,"process_mode":0,"process_priority":0,"editor_description":"","script":Resource("res://"))

[Built-in Type]

"Integer (int)"=1
"Real (float)"=1.0
"String (string)"="Hello Godot"

Never tried to use a dictionary as if it were an array, didn’t know that. I’ll update the post

1 Like

Very helpful guide! Had a question regarding creating a custom ResourceFormatSaver/Loader… is it possible to keep it safe while using binary instead of text formatting? Or using store_var/get_var is the unsafe part?

Also, are there differences between using making a ResourceFormatSaver/Loader versus using a normal FileAccess approach combined with storing the values inside a Resource but not the Resource itself? Like, any benefits? It seems to me that you can achieve practically the same thing, with less code even

Thanks ^^

It’ll be as safe as you write it. If you save objects with embed scripts as is, it’ll probably fall under the same security issue as resources and files with embed scripts.

Nope, the unsafe part is the part that handle object serialization, if you just store built-in values like integers or strings you’ll probably have no issues.

Using ResourceFormat* applies more for scenarios where you want reutilization of the serializer in a proper resource in editor time (when you’re editing the game in editor), dealing directly with the File->Resource conversion and having a resource created directly from the file. For runtime (in-game) it really doesn’t matter.

1 Like

I see, thanks!

Two main questions:

  1. Is there a way to save a file in a way that the user can access?

  2. When saving files to user:// while exported to web, where are they saved to? Cookies? A downloaded file?

if you’re saving to a normal computer then the user can access the files wherever you save them, you just have to give them the correct path to the save files, the default paths can be found here


Hi, thank you for the tutorial, it is very exhaustive!
There’s one thing I think should be added to the tutorial.

Imagine you published a game and support it with patches through years. Of course, you are also upgrading your engine once new release is out. However, now you face several problems:

  • You decided to save nodes as PackedScenes, but in recent Godot upgrade some of the nodes changed structure or just renamed a field. Now all your players have corrupted save files
  • You decided to save data as resources. However, if Godot changes the logic or structure of the save, your players will again have corrupted saves
  • Similarly, if your saving system does not manage versioning, when your patches introduce breaking changes, your players’ saves are corrupted again

To summarize, it would be great to also cover these problems at least in the flowchart (otherwise people may make a bad choice and believe they learnt everything about saving games).

My own rule of thumb for saving system would be:

  • Implement saving system by your own (or use a well-known good existing implementation that you can augment as you wish)
  • Don’t lock your format to a vendor that you can’t control (e.g. Godot’s Resource)
  • Think beforehand how you will address breaking changes for save files when your game is in production already. You may need some sort of versioning

Many thanks for the suggestion. I’ll note your ideas and see what can I found to write about it.

Sadly, godot forums doesn’t let me edit my post after several weeks of publishing it. I have many recommendations about this topic made by different users, I’m considering making a new post or just publish the update in a comment on this post.

Hope Edit Forever instead with time limit? - #9 by winston-yallow gathers some attention


I have been struggling trying to find a good way to save and load my game for the past month and a half. For the life of me, I could not understand it and I don’t know why. This is the first forum that I’ve seen that has made sense to me. For once, I have hope again that I can save my game :).

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I prefer use of PackedByteArray which contains all needed data in var_to_bytes() called on dictionary variable, then compress() it with DEFLATE compression type(since it allows decompress_dynamic()). This format can be ‘mapped’ using ProjectSettings.set_setting() to get only a portion(if not compressed) if it like screenshot of save file

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Hello. Great tutorial, thanks for sharing your knowledge with us.

Some games in that run on browser (as HTML5 games) offer a way to save to a file, letting the player choose where to save it, and come with an interface to load from file (using the browser’s “select file” dialog). This is because (as far as I understand it) if you save to user:// in a web exported project and the browser has its cache cleaned for any reason, the save files are permanently lost.

Therefore I have three questions about this topic. First one is: how do I save a file to a location that the player chooses (instead of the user:// which is much less obvious to the player), and load from a file that the player chooses? The second question is: since you’ve mentioned we can encrypt save files, which is the most recommended way to do so? I’ve found the save_encrypted() and load_encrypted() pair methods in ConfigFile documentation; is this a good way to do it? Third: is it a good idea for me to use HTTP requests to communicate with a server I would have set up somewhere else, to let the players log in and save the data server-side (since doesn’t let us to save game on their server)?

I apologise if any of these questions are basic knowledge and I should have known in prior; I’ve been working with Godot (my first game engine) for nearly 4 months and there’s been a lot to learn. Just pointing me to relevant documentation will be greatly appreciated.

1 Like

Thanks for your effort. This helps me immensely.

Is it possible to combine this with the default Loader? What I would like to do is super._load or something to that effect and then modify the result, but it says the method is not defined in the parent class. I would have to somehow access the default ResourceFormatLoader.

doing godot’s works :pray: :palms_up_together: