How to loop music in an AudioPlayer with AudioStreamInteractive?

I had this bit of code to loop music:

audioPlayer.Finished += () =>
	GD.Print("audio finished");

But after I switched the AudioStream to an AudioStreamInteractive to mess around with dynamic music, it no longer works. It looks like the Finished signal doesn’t get fired at all.

I tried importing an .ogg and checking “Loop” in the import settings, didn’t work.
I tried enabling “Auto advance” of the clip and setting “Next clip” to itself, also didn’t work.
Then I tried setting “Next clip” to a different clip… and instead of advancing to that clip it started looping. So it technically works but it feels like a bug, and I have to disable the transition for that clip to prevent a crossfade at the end of the clip.

I downloaded the 4.4-dev3 release and tried again, checking “Loop” in import settings works and “Auto advance” works as expected too

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