Godot Version
4.2.1 stable
I want to make a system of multiple camera2D nodes where the player can swap what camera they are looking from rather than just a camera following the player. How can I achieve this?
4.2.1 stable
I want to make a system of multiple camera2D nodes where the player can swap what camera they are looking from rather than just a camera following the player. How can I achieve this?
The Camera2D
node has make_current()
which allows you to control which camera is active.
If you have multiple cameras in your scene, you can just map each camera to a unique index or button press. That part is up to you.
Yeah I actually meant this function
You could add all your cameras to a group then
var current_cam_num := 0
func _on_cam_switch() -> void:
current_cam_num += 1
current_cam_num %= get_tree().get_node_count_in_group("camera")
This line is so that you don’t get out of bound of the group’s max index and can loop back to the very first camera
current_cam_num %= get_tree().get_node_count_in_group("camera")