Godot Version
Godot 4.3 Mono
I am new to godot.I am trying to make simple mobile game, with vector graphics. And my sprites are always pixelated, how to make them not like this
Godot 4.3 Mono
I am new to godot.I am trying to make simple mobile game, with vector graphics. And my sprites are always pixelated, how to make them not like this
Might be imported as too big actually, select your .svg
in the filesystem and in the import tab set the “SVG > Scale” to a lower value like 0.4
it do really help, on pc they are good, but if i test them on my android they are still pixelated, maybe there are some more options how to make them better
Did you enable anti-aliasing in the project settings?
Interesting. What is the final import size of your donut images? For example your first post shows the images imported as 1125x2436, which is rather large, I suspect they are in-game maybe less than 100 pixels wide. There is also significant empty space that ought to be cropped.
How close to the in-game size are they?
so i just need to make donut svg just less resolution,? i ll try
Yeah that’s what the import option “SVG > Scale” does, it rasters the image to a smaller resolution. You might be scaling the Sprite2D node or Camera’s zoom which should also be accounted for; you want the image size to match it’s in-game size
Enabling mipmaps is more for 3D games, and could have a worse effect for your game. Mipmaps if used on a non-square texture can cause issues, in addition to using more video ram.
understood thx