Hey I’m new to Godot and was wondering how I could make it so that when I approached a sign it would display text in the world above the sign and once I left the area it would fade away instead of immediately disappearing. Also I’m working in 2D and assuming an Area2D node is what I’ll need.
Thanks in advance for any help I really appreciate it! =)
Hey thanks for the help. I’ve tried implementing your code but the project crashes and gives errors. I’m not sure what’s wrong. All my nodes are the same one’s as yours except for a sprite2D node. Also sorry for the late reply.
You connected the signal through the inspector, but the signal is already connected through code here. You can’t have both - so either remove the signal connection from the inspector, or remove these 2 lines from the code.
I see your Player is in Collision Layer 2, and probably your Sign Area has Collision Mask 1, which means it will not be reporting any collisions with the player. You need to set you area to Collision Mask 2