Godot Version
I have a 3D platformer-type game with orthographic camera view and I want my player to be able to walk on a certain “path”. The player can walk only on XZ-axis and can also jump, see [image 1]
I’ve made an area with some arrows that show you in which direction the player can go once in that area. If an arrow is not visible, the player can’t go in that direction (see [image 2]). I intend to put a bunch of those and restrict in this way the player’s movement (I don’t know if this is the best way to do this, honestly)
The problem is that when the player jumps and hits the platform with its “belly” but the user still presses the button to go to right in this case (see [image 3]), the player’s character has no way to go to the right (the negative Z axis in this example) so I assume the engine “translates” this somehow in velocity on the X axis somehow and moves the character away from the platform until it falls off on the side (given enough failed attempts). Is there a way to prevent this from happening?
Thank you!
[image 1]
[image 2]
[image 3]