How to remove paint attribute from Tileset

Godot Version

Godot 4.2.2


Hello, this is a newbie question but I’ve been searching the internet and tweaking with the keyboard and mouse clicks, but I have not been able to deselect a tile from my tileset. I painted physical layers on my tilesets to set collision but I can’t undo it except for ctrl+z. I just want to ask what is the input command to remove the paint of a tileset from being painted.

That’s all. sorry for the newbie question I did not see this same question pop up in the forums yet or in my google search. There were questions how to programmatically remove collision layers but my question is how I can remove in the Godot UI the applied paint on tilesets.

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i think you have to paint an “empty”-collision on them

Hi, new to Godot here and I ran into this same issue and found this question, thanks for posting!

Since you didn’t have an answer yet I did some digging too and the only way I was able to “fix” it was to:

  1. Add a new Physics Layer to my TileMap and adjust the settings to the same as the Physics Layer I was using previously. I only had one Physics Layer (Layer 0) and added a new one (Layer 1)
  2. Delete the old Physics Layer (Layer 0)
  3. Repaint the new Physics Layer (previously Layer 1, but becomes the new Layer 0) onto your Tiles

Its not great, but its relatively quick to do if you have a simple Physics Layer setup. I am early in my project so this may become less feasible as your project grows

Hey Omoxi, I managed to figure it out. Im new as well however this seems to fix it for me.

  1. Go to your Tile Map, Click Tile set at the bottom.
  2. In the TileSet tab, click the select button beside paint. Click on the tile you would like to “deselect”
  3. Once its selected, in the select tab go down to “Physics” - “Physics Layer”. Inside there you should see the tile. Click the 3 dot button beside the “Delete point tool”. Click Clear.

That will deselect the tile and make it non-collisional. I am unsure if there is a easier way but basically all I did was go into the physics of the tile and clear it.

Hope this helps <3

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Thanks for the help!

FYI, right above “Clear (C)” is the “Reset to default tile shape (F)” which will let you paint the full box collider.

TL;DR, From the Tileset > Paint > Paint Properties > Physics Layer view, you can:

  • Press F to change your “brush” to paint in tiles in the physics layer
  • Press C to change to the “eraser” to delete tiles from the physics layer