How to reorder SpriteFrames in list?

Godot Version



This is mostly a simply newbie question, but I couldn’t find much about it when googling around. I’m following a tutorial that has me looking at the SpriteFrames window. It’s only minor, but I wanted to reorganize the animation (“up” and “walk”). Though I can’t seem to figure out how (right-clicking yields no menu. I also can’t click and hold to drag them, nor do things like alt +, middle click, or ctrl let me move them either.

Is it possible to reorder them or do I have to start from the ground up and rename them? Seems like it would be a hassle if I had a bunch of other animations down the line to keep them easily organized.

Attaching a picture for reference.

They may be auto ordered alphabetically. I don’t know if you can order them. Or if even order of creation matters. I think it has to do with their names.

They are sorted alphabetically and I don’t think it’s possible to change their order, but I don’t know why you would need that, a different order doesn’t change the animations, it just might be different in how they are accessed, I usually use search for this though as animations are often created once and for all and I don’t need to manage them again.

Oh, so in the long run, their order doesn’t tend to matter? I was new so I was just being proactive about good habits, but if it won’t really make for a confusing project having them be uncontrolled in their order then I just won’t stress about it. Thanks!

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