Version 4.3
i’am quiet new to godot and already struggling with a supposedly easy task.
with the help of gridmap object i was able to create a 16 x 16 map (dynamically) filled with cubes (meshes, not visible in the editor). did setup an orthogonal camera with rotation (-30, -45, 0) values for an isometric look. the tree looks like this:
game (main scene)
- directional light
- camera3D
- gridmap
gridmap (single scene)
- node3d
– gridmap (here’s my script)
now, in my gridmap script i want to rotate the gridmap on the y-axis when a key is pressed, looks like this:
var gridmap_rotation : int = 0
func _input(event):
if Input.is_action_just_pressed(“rotate_left”):
var tween = create_tween() # for a transition
gridmap_rotation += 90 # need to fix this as well
tween.tween_property(gridmap, “rotation_degrees”, Vector3(0, gridmap_rotation, 0), 0.5)
the problem: it is rotating the gridmap at point (0, 0) (top left), not from the center.
how can i rotate my gridmap object from its center origin?