Godot Version
Hi! In 3d scenes you can toggle visibility of several gizmos, like this:
Is there a similar option in 2D? For disabling collision shapes temporarily, for example, it would be very useful.
Hi! In 3d scenes you can toggle visibility of several gizmos, like this:
Is there a similar option in 2D? For disabling collision shapes temporarily, for example, it would be very useful.
No, there’s no similar feature in 2D. You can write a small plugin that does that though.
For example:
extends EditorPlugin
var toggle_button:CheckButton
func _enter_tree() -> void:
# A button to toggle on and off the collision shapes 2D nodes
toggle_button = CheckButton.new()
toggle_button.text = "Show CollisionShapes2D"
toggle_button.button_pressed = true
var collision_shapes = EditorInterface.get_edited_scene_root().find_children("*", "CollisionShape2D", true, false)
for shape in collision_shapes:
shape.visible = toggled
add_control_to_container(EditorPlugin.CONTAINER_CANVAS_EDITOR_MENU, toggle_button)
func _exit_tree() -> void:
# Clean up nodes
if is_instance_valid(toggle_button):
remove_control_from_container(EditorPlugin.CONTAINER_CANVAS_EDITOR_MENU, toggle_button)
toggle_button = null
Thanks a lot for your answer!
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