Godot Version
I’m trying to learn game development moving from web development and I’m starting experimenting with a simple 2d physics based game. It is a spaceship navigating an asteroid field. This is my code for the ship rigid body:
const TORQUE = 4e6
const MAIN_DRIVE_FORCE = 1e6
const RCS_FORCE = 1e5
func _ready():
mass = 10e3
can_sleep = false
gravity_scale = 0.0
linear_damp = 0
contact_monitor = true
max_contacts_reported = 10
func _process(_delta):
constant_torque = 0
constant_force = Vector2.ZERO
if Input.is_physical_key_pressed(KEY_Q):
constant_torque = -TORQUE
if Input.is_physical_key_pressed(KEY_E):
constant_torque = TORQUE
if Input.is_physical_key_pressed(KEY_W):
add_constant_central_force(Vector2(RCS_FORCE * cos(rotation), RCS_FORCE * sin(rotation)))
if Input.is_physical_key_pressed(KEY_S):
add_constant_central_force(Vector2(RCS_FORCE * cos(rotation + PI), RCS_FORCE * sin(rotation + PI)))
if Input.is_physical_key_pressed(KEY_D):
add_constant_central_force(Vector2(RCS_FORCE * cos(rotation + PI / 2), RCS_FORCE * sin(rotation + PI / 2)))
if Input.is_physical_key_pressed(KEY_A):
add_constant_central_force(Vector2(RCS_FORCE * cos(rotation - PI / 2), RCS_FORCE * sin(rotation - PI / 2)))
if Input.is_physical_key_pressed(KEY_SHIFT):
add_constant_central_force(Vector2(MAIN_DRIVE_FORCE * cos(rotation), MAIN_DRIVE_FORCE * sin(rotation)))
var acc := constant_force / mass
var v := linear_velocity
# var collision = move_and_collide(v + acc * _delta)
# if collision:
# var collider := collision.get_collider()
# var col_position := collision.get_position()
# print("collided with ", collider, " at ", col_position)
print("torque: ", constant_torque, " ang_v: ", angular_velocity, " force: ", constant_force, " acc: ", acc, " v: ", v)
If I keep it like that, it works perfectly.
The problem happens when I uncomment the last lines to detect collisions with the asteroids. If I do that, the ship rotation breaks completely. It doesn’t rotate for a while, then it jumps to a higher angle on one frame, then it does nothing for a few seconds more, then it jumps to an even higher angle, etc…
What is going wrong here? Is there a better way to get the KinematicCollision2D
without using move_and_collide