How, where to have "editable children"?

Hi there,

I use Godot 4.2.2.stable version, with default settings (I didn’t want to mess up things).

Im new to godot, so this question is surely dumb.

I was searching for a way to make so we can modify a node from its parent in the inspector, and after digging for some hours, i found the “editable children”, which seems to be the perfect answer to my problem.

The problem is that i can’t find where i can enable this, and from what i saw, i should be able to get it when right clicking on a node on the scene tree. But i don’t find it.

The only mention of it i can find of the “editable children” property in the doc. is there Particle sub-emitters — Godot Engine (stable) documentation in English but it doesn’t explain where or how to activate it…

Thanks a lot for the help.

You can edit properties of this button directly, “editable children” is for instanced scenes, maybe you mean to apply it to your Button in the main_menu scene?

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Yes, that is exactly what i didn’t understood ! Its to see child nodes (which are in a seperate scene) of a parent node. Thanks !

BTW, isn’t there a way to be able to modify the Label node’s text directly from the Button node on the inspector ?
Because, initialy, I was trying to make so i can change the Label’s text directly from the Button node, while the Editable Children is an alternative to this, i wondered if there was way to do it …

You could add a @tool script, I would argue it’s more work than it’s worth though.

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Having the same problem. Don’t know where it is.

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