HTML5 export for Godot 3.5 messing up operations with delta

Godot Version

Godot 3.5


The HTML5 export of my project messes up changes in position and scale.
What is going on?

I am guessing it might have to do with using delta, but I am not sure. Am I using it wrong?

Relevant Code Snippet

func rescale(delta):
	var rescaling_amount = self.scale.x * rescaling * delta
	self.scale.x += rescaling_amount
	self.scale.y += rescaling_amount

func _process(delta):
	vel += accel * delta
	self.position.y += vel

HTML5 export running:

The rock and banner move slower and re-scale faster.


What it looks like when running in godot:

The stone and banner should be increasing in scale slowly.



Here is the GIF proper of how it should be working (new users can’t display more than one per post)

I think it is because Godot PC has a low delta ( < 1 ) so it scales down the exponent on the “self.scale.x”
While HTML has a higher delta ( > 1 ) so it grows exponentially
maybe remove the “self.scale.x” in the rescaling_amount and try to tweak the rescaling instead

Isn’t Delta the milliseconds between frames? To have delta > 1, wouldn’t the game be running at 1 fps?

sorry for the confusion I meant the rescaling_amount < 1

also, you have 2 different scaling for the position and scale

~ self.scale.x =  self.scale.x + self.scale.x * rescaling * delta 
~ self.position.y = self.position.y + accel * delta * (t + 1)

Therefore you have different behaviors between the scale and position

Yes, it is no issue that those two have different behavior.

The issue is the difference between the HTML and the in engine build.

fixed it