Nice day. I’m getting the following error in Godot, I’ve already followed the documentation by installing JDK17 and Gradle, also Android Studio. The error disappears if I install JDK11 and configure the environment variables, but the APK that exports, exports it with errors (it loses *.so libraries) and I have to replace the JDK of the APK in Android Studio for it to work. Where am I failing? According to the documentation I should be running with JDK17 but I get that error and with JDK11 it exports, but I have to repair the APK.
Fixing the APK in Android Studio works fine on the phone, but as I said, it’s an extra step that I can surely save if they help me set everything up correctly.
Thank you very much for your help.
editor/export/editor_export_platform.h:182 - Exportar: La construcción del proyecto Android falló, comprueba la salida del error:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong:
The supplied javaHome seems to be invalid. I cannot find the java executable. Tried location: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-11\bin\java.exe
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Run with --scan to get full insights.
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Yes! This was the problem, thank you very much. I also had to do other things, to make everything fit with other engines I have: I installed Gradle 8.2 and configured the as follows:
Once I checked that this was the problem, I eliminated the project template and installed it again (there was no need to edit the properties).
I also configured the minimum SDK in 29 and the objective at 30, and activate the V7 & V8 options.
Now I have the project correctly on the testing phone, an Moto e7i Power. My project involves videos, I verified that 1080p does not work in the mobile but on the PC. So I lowered the quality to 720p and now everything works correct. I think that the resolution could also be further lowered and even so it would look good.
By the way, I share how I made the videos, maybe someone serves:
-Download FFMPEG
-I configured the environment variable “Path” for the same
-And I used the following command in Powershell:
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf “scale = -1: 720” -q: v 6 -q: a 6 output.ogv
Thank you very much for your help, now everything is already resolved.
With Chatgpt’s help I did this script that facilitates the work of videos, attached and explanation as procedure.
1 | They open blog notes and hit this:
# Obtener la ruta del directorio donde se encuentra el script
$carpeta = $PSScriptRoot
# Obtener todos los archivos MP4 en la carpeta
$videos = Get-ChildItem -Path $carpeta -Filter "*.mp4"
# Recorrer cada video y convertirlo a OGV
foreach ($video in $videos) {
# Construir el nombre del archivo de salida
$nombreSalida = [System.IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($video.FullName, "ogv")
# Comando de conversión con ffmpeg
$comando = "ffmpeg -i `"$($video.FullName)`" -vf `"scale=-1:540`" -q:v 6 -q:a 6 `"$nombreSalida`""
# Ejecutar el comando
Invoke-Expression -Command $comando
2 | Save with extension .ps1
3 | Enable scripts execution in Powershell (execute PS as admin):
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
4 | They place the script in the folder that contains the videos and run with Powershell.
In the code, in the part that says: “Scale = -1: 540”
540 refers to half of 1080p
There you can place 720, 540, 1080, etc … The script what it does is take a video in 1920x1080 and keep the scale, reduce it to half (540p).
I hope it serves someone, it is what I can contribute for now.