I wan't a 3D particle emiter to stick VERY CLOSELY to it's parent

I’m using a 3D particle emitter to generate the flame coming out of the exhaust of a car.
The problem being that as soon as the car start moving quickly, the particles spread away a bit from the exhaust.
I’m trying to use the inherit velocity value, but it’s making weird things, like the flames going faster than the car.

Is there a simple way to make the particle just stick to my exhaust no matter what ?

Set the particle emitter to use “Local Coords”

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This ?
Sans titre

It’s actually making thing worse, now as soon as the vehicle start moving, the particles are flying toward a fixed position, away from the car.

That would depend on your other properties, likely initial velocity.

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Oh sh… I still had inherit velocity set to 1 !

Thanks !

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