I want to change the topic name but when I try to change it, it stops working.

Godot Version

#Godot 4.3


I try change the topic name but when it comes to changing program not responding, can someone help me please? :cry:

Are you talking about changing the project name?

I’m going to make the assumption this is the Godot project’s name. If so, I don’t think you can change the project name while that specific Godot project is open.

I know this because changing file names, and especially moving them, is wonky in version 4.3. But I know for a fact you can definitely rename a project file without it imploding. (But always make a backup/commit before doing so)

Just a theory though. Not a lot to go off of.

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You can in the menu before you actually open any project

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i try have change name, but this is what you will do as you see

I am talking about the menu where you select your project (I can’t tell if this is after you tried doing that screenshot though)

(Example from Google but it’s 3.5)

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I set it up like this.
I hope it’s what you’re asking because I’ve only been using it for less than a month.

Try clicking on the project and pressing rename?

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But I want to change the title of the topic inside.

What do you mean by topic? Can you point on the screenshot?