I'm building an Android camera plugin, please help!

Godot Version



Building an Android Camera Plugin for godot
I’m getting stuck at the output!
I’m trying to figure out
I want to know if something is wrong!
I used CameraX as one of the Android libraries.
From there, I was able to convert the image analyzer to a format.rgba8888 that can be read by the GoDaddy engine, and I received it from the GoDaddy engine in the form of byte and rendered and output it directly. I adjusted the delivery rate to about 30 frames.
: at: uniform_set_create (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp:5867)
01-27 01:21:12.856 31140 31267 E godot : USER ERROR: Parameter “uniform_set” is null.
01-27 01:21:12.856 31140 31267 E godot : at: draw_list_bind_uniform_set (drivers/vulkan/rendering_device_vulkan.cpp:7368)
01-27 01:21:12.856 31140 31267 E godot : USER ERROR: Uniforms were never supplied for set (3) at the time of drawing, which are required by the pipeline
I get this error.
I was wondering if this method itself is correct?

I tried increasing the vulkan memory, but it turns off after 5 minutes and heats up badly.
I’ve been rendering in _draw():, is there a faster and more efficient way to do this?
I’ve googled and found that using shaders has a performance advantage by passing the byte texture information directly to the GPU.
I’d love to know what’s wrong with what I’m doing and improve it!
If you end up making a plugin, I’d love to share it!

val imageAnalyzer = ImageAnalysis.Builder()
                .also {
                    it.setAnalyzer(cameraExecutor, object : ImageAnalysis.Analyzer {
                        private var lastEmitTime = 0L
                        private val EMIT_INTERVAL = 600 // 밀리초 단위

                        override fun analyze(image: ImageProxy) {
                            val currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
                            if (currentTime - lastEmitTime >= EMIT_INTERVAL) {
                                val width = image.width
                                val height = image.height
                                val buffer = image.planes[0].buffer
                                val data = ByteArray(buffer.remaining())
                                emitSignal("updateData", data, width, height)
                                lastEmitTime = currentTime
var packed_byte_array: PackedByteArray = PackedByteArray()
var image: Image
var texture: ImageTexture
var screen_rect: Rect2 
func _ready():
	var center_position = -screen_rect.size / 2
	screen_rect.position = center_position
func UseCamera(data, width, height):
	packed_byte_array = PackedByteArray(data)
	image = Image.create(width, height, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8)
	texture = ImageTexture.create_from_image(image)
	image.set_data(width, height, false, Image.FORMAT_RGBA8, packed_byte_array)

func _draw():
	if texture:
		draw_texture_rect( texture,screen_rect,false)