Inconsistent Input firing on key release

Godot Version

v4.3.stable.official [77dcf97d8]


I am trying to create a player controller and have managed to get most of it working as expected. However sometimes when releasing a movement key the movement persists for some frames, while other times it seems to work as expected. I think it is a problem with the input, because when I log the input values it seems that it registers the key press and release, but some of the time more values are printed:


I have tried registering the input in _input, _process, _physics_process, but all yield similar behavior. I am at a loss of what to try next. Anyone have any suggestions or solutions? :slight_smile:

It’s typically called an echo. And you can check this with with the event.is_echo(), imagine a text editor and you hold a letter key, it just keeps repeating. That is an echo.

I would use _unhandled_input over using process functions.

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I can’t thank you enough . . . :heart: