Instantiated player camera odd movement

Godot Version



Node Setup
The player node has a Camera2D as a child.

When I instantiate the player the game loads but the camera moves across screen to get to the player. Have I missed a setting somewhere that makes the Camera2D just load in the place of the player and not move across screen?


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Does the camera smoothly go to the player or just warp to him?

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If yes you may try calling “reset_smoothing()” on the camera and it should instantly reach the player. I hope I have been of help

I tried to replicate the problem by creating a sprite with a camera child with position smoothing in a 2d scene, then moved the sprite to a new position and the camera smoothly moved to the player, then I tried to move the sprite and immediately afterwards calling “reset_smoothing()” on the camera and it moved both camera and sprite to the new location instantly


Spot on! Created a script for the Camera. This resolved the issue instantly.

extends Camera2D

func _ready():

Thank you!

You’re welcome

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