Godot Version
I have set up some simple string replacement for internationalization using the instructions in the documentation.
For example:
var rich_text = """
var translated_rich_text = rich_text.format({
so that my translated_rich_text has LEVEL_INTRO replaced by “Level Introduction” for my English translation.
This works in the editor and works on my iPhone when built and deployed from XCode (use a development profile). When I install using TestFlight (using an appstore profile), however, the text is still LEVEL_INTRO in the text field (no string replacement).
Is there something I need to change in the XCode project settings (or in a plist) to make this work with an appstore build? I see InfoPlist files in XCode that have some default localizations (for English, the default), but these only have entries for system level things like NSCameraUsageDescription. In any case I would assume the string translation would be handled by the Godot engine, not by iOS itself.