Godot Version
4.3 Stable
A few days ago I did a completely fresh install of my OS (as in literally wiped my drive completely in the process, for clarity), I have my project backed up on github with the gitignore set up with the normal things godot adds automatically.
Since pulling onto the fresh install of my OS, any time i run a scene I get a plethora of warnings, about multiple invalid UID’s. looking like this:
load: res://Enemy/Unorganized/smoll_bullet.tscn:3 - ext_resource, invalid UID: uid://c0oomjsjcrawm - using text path instead: res://Enemy/Unorganized/Assets/normBulet.png
<C++ Source> scene/resources/resource_format_text.cpp:453 @ load()
in lookin it up i read that deleting the UID_cache.bin in the .godot folder may work, so i did that but i still get the warnings.
What else could this issue be?