Is godot.getActivity() incompatible with CameraX in the Android directory?

Is godot.getActivity() incompatible with CameraX in the Android directory?

Check the operation of CameraX with codelab and use the
godotengine 4.3.0 stable and 4.2.2 aar downgrade to

   if (godot.getActivity()!= null) {
        Log.e(“CameraTag”, “null”)
    } else {
        Log.e(“CameraTag”, “Activity is null.”)

        } val context = activity?.applicationContext
        context?.let {
            val cameraProviderFuture = ProcessCameraProvider.getInstance(it)

I passed activity.context as a parameter to the instance initialization part of CameraX and it crashes!



Is it incompatible? I can’t figure out why it’s crashing!

The Godot plugin library is located at
org.godotengine: I’ve tried both the latest 4.3.0 stable and 4.2.2.
The game engine is version 4.2.2.

Godot.getActivity() is not the problem, I found out the cause. When I built the plug-in, androidx was not accessible because aar didn’t include dependencies!!