Is there a way to create another inspector dock instance in a plugin?

Godot version 4.3.stable


I’m trying to make a plugin in which I can have multiple inspectors open. Firstly I’m just trying to see if duplicating the inspector and adding it to a plugin is even possible. Has anyone done this before?


I played around with the code below in a Dock plugin. The EditorInspector instance shows up as a blank box, its not populated with anything and isn’t interactable. Is there something I’m missing to set up an instance of the inspector like the inspector dock in the editor?

extends Control

var insp:EditorInspector

func _ready() -> void:
	insp = 
    # this doesn't work either
    # insp = EditorInterface.get_inspector().duplicate()

func test():
	var resource = ResourceLoader.load("res://some_resource.tres")
	insp.resource_selected.emit(resource, resource.resource_path)

	# This opens the resource in the actual inspector dock
	# EditorInterface.get_inspector().resource_selected.emit(resource, resource.resource_path)

func _on_button_pressed() -> void:

I don’t think this is even possible. As you should get the inspector by EditorInterface.get_inspector, this indicates that it is used as a singleton. Since there is no method or property to set the inspected node i would assume this is hard wired with the node tree.

It would be a nice addition to the editor to have such of an option.