Godot Version
I am making a fun little plinko prototype, but the balls seem to really hate interacting with this concave CollisionPolygon2D. Many times when a ball hits this shape from above, the ball will not bounce as it seems it should. My guess is that the balls are hitting the corners of the individual polygons, causing them to lose all momentum or bounce UP.
I can’t find a single tutorial on YT that covers concave 2D polygons; all of the tutorials seem to focus on basic explanation of the CollisionPolygon2D node, like tracing sprites, etc. I found some forum posts from like 5 years ago that claim Godot cannot handle this type of collision, but I assumed that info was out of date. A concave curve doesn’t seem that complex to me, and I don’t think this would be an issue with 3D, but I don’t know much about the in depth math involved in physics engines.
Is it an issue of speed–the ball penetrating the polygons? Switching to “segments” causes balls to get stuck inside the shape, collecting at the bottom.
Would switching to Box2D fix this? Can I make it so that it prioritizes collision with the outer planes, and ignores the “interior” corners? Do I just need to make a series of long rectangles so that there are no corners for it to collide with? Am I dumb?
Thank you for any help.