Is there any more convenient way to get Node nodes in C#

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Is there any more convenient way to get Node nodes in C#

You can use a member variable with the export attribute and then set it in the editor just by dragging the desired node. C# exported properties — Godot Engine (stable) documentation in English

A major benefit is that the code still works even if you move the node to somewhere else in the scene, since the reference doesn’t depend on the path.

Here’s how I set up controls:

public partial class MyWindow : Window
    private Button ClipboardButton;
    public override void _Ready()
        ClipboardButton = (Button)FindChild("ClipboardButton");
        ClipboardButton.Connect("pressed", new Callable(this, "OnClipboardButtonPressed"));

    private void OnClipboardButtonPressed()

or just make scripts on buttons and connect them to game systems, via events, delegates or signals.