Godot Version
v4.2.1.stable.mono.official [b09f793f5]
I have made this script to change the “body” parts of characters
public partial class MeshSelection : Node3D
bool apply;
[Export] bool Apply{
return apply;
apply = false;
[Export] public PackedScene Joints;
[Export] public PackedScene Surface;
public override void _Ready()
public void ApplyMeshes()
if (!IsInstanceValid(Joints) || !IsInstanceValid(Surface))
GD.PrintErr("Not all meshes set");
Skeleton3D GeneralSkeleton = GetNode<Skeleton3D>("%GeneralSkeleton");
foreach (Node child in GeneralSkeleton.GetChildren())
if (child is MeshInstance3D)
var joints = Joints.Instantiate<MeshInstance3D>();
var surface = Surface.Instantiate<MeshInstance3D>();
GeneralSkeleton.MoveChild(joints, 0);
GeneralSkeleton.MoveChild(surface, 1);
Basically I put in the MeshInstances in the “joints” and “surface” fields (Tho I don’t think it matters in which field I actually put them), then call the ApplyMeshes() function in order to replace the current meshes with the new ones.
This works in the editor, but when I put my character scene in a test scence and run it, I get the “Not all meshes set” error (I call the ApplyMeshes function at runtime in a Ready of another node), even though I did set them correctly in the character scene.
One weird thing is that if I make the character scene local to the test scene, the error seems to disappear, and even if I undo the make local, the error doesn’t return until I close and reopen the editor. So yeah idk what’s happening, but it probably has to do with the character scene being instanced.
Does anyone know what’s going on?