Issue exporting materials for web and desktop

Godot Version



Helloo :wave: I got an Issue with exporting a game. Somehow, after exporting the game, the materials aren’t properly exported as well. Causing a crash with the desktop application and missing texture on web.
I solved the desktop issue by including the asset folder in the same folder as the exe. though would still be cool to know exactly why I can’t without.
Also web version is still broken and including the asset folder isn’t helping.

Additional information:

  • I tried with ‘embed PCK’ and without.
  • For the web build, some objects skin appear as white squares. Some (with the same spritesheet) appear normal.
  • I also checked, they apply the texture the same way.
  • Their being instanced in, but one obj isn’t and despite that it’s still a white square :confused:

Are you building your game with the same Compatibility renderer the web export uses? Requiring the assets folder with the executable sounds like you are loading some files in a strange way, or they aren’t included in your export settings like text and json files. How are you loading these white square textures?

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I created the game with Forward+, then late later on I changed to compatibility.

Hm I’m not certain about the export settings, I haven’t included anything to the ‘Filters to exclude’. I’ve also just now included .png to the ‘Filters to export’, yet no changes.

The ‘White Squares’ texture are a Spritesheet attached to an spirte2d.
I change the texture by changing their region_rect.position.
The thing is, that the tool on the right share the same spritesheet as the white square in the middle.

EDIT: in the spritesheet are no white squares