Issue with skeleton2d duplicates

Godot 4.3

I’ve got a scene that is a basic Skeleton2D when i add it to the main scene it acts perfectly normal with no issues however when i copy that scene and add it to the main scene both scenes begin to behave very strange it’s as though they share the same skeleton including the IK targets. An example of something that will happen is if i move one scene the other scenes bones will point to the scene that i am moving and the scene that i am moving will look exactly the same as the scene that is not moving. a few things I’ve done to try and trouble shoot this to no avail have been setting the bones and skeleton to “local to scene” what will happen when i do this is the most recent scene added to the main scene will act perfectly fine while the other scene will act as though its skeleton has been disabled. i have tried making the skeleton unique this seemed to basically just do the same thing making the skeleton “local to scene” did. I want to be able to make copies of this scene and make them act uniquely from one another is there any way i can do this?

For anyone who is coming here who has experienced the same issue, the solution is to set the skeleton as “local to scene” as well as each modification in the stack