Jump Sound Effect

Godot Version


Hi, i’m very new to the Godot engine and i like it a lot, i was wondering how can i make the sound effect play once only?
For instance: i want to add a jump sound to my character everytime he jumps
I have tried this with the AnimatorPlayer but everytime he is in the air, it still makes jumps sound because i have set the AnimatorPlayer to 0.5 seconds only (This is probably unnecessary detail, in simple terms, i just want my character to play the jumping sound everytime he jumps)

this is basically you want to make sfx, easily done it by creating audiostreamplayer node and drag put the sound in the stream in inspector. then in code if you want it to play that sound just find that audiostreamplayer node and tell it to play by .play()

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This worked very easily, im quite embarrassed but thanks for the help!

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