Hi, I’m getting lots of these errors in the debugger when I run the game, referring to nodes that have long been deleted. Why is Godot still trying to reference them? Are they cached somewhere? Can I clean that cache without having to reimport anything? Thanks.
I’ve searched all scripts for any references to those ‘not found’ nodes but found nothing. I don’t recall referencing those nodes in my code anywhere either.
Sorry for the late reply, but I found this page on a google search, and then figured out a solution. I don’t even know if this problem still exists in newer engine versions.
I had this problem in my project. My scripts weren’t the problem. It turned out the node paths were all being referenced in node properties defined in scene files. It was always on the node in the second part of the error message, “relative to …”
I found where it was exactly by searching for the node path within the .tscn files in an external text editor. I have to stress I don’t recommend editing scene files in a text editor! You might render the scene broken and unusable! But searching for the text let me find out exactly where it was referenced, and I then found that property in the Godot editor and deleted it.
I opened up my external text editor, which has a feature to search all files in the project folder, searched for that first nodepath (…/…/root/@EditorNode@16887/etcetera), and found the reference within player.tscn. The “Crosshair” node’s “skeleton” property was set to the exact string in the error message (skeleton = NodePath("…/…/root/@EditorNode@16887/etcetera). I opened the scene in the editor, found that property and cleared it. When I reloaded the project the error was gone.
You could also find the property yourself within the node pointed out in the second node path, just by clicking through in the editor, but it might be hard since the error message doesn’t say what property is causing the issue, and the path in the error message I uploaded above refers to a scene that contains an instance of the one with the actual problem in it, so it could have been either scene at fault.
Thank you, that was it. In my case it was with duplicating some nodes, then deleting the original ones, then doing undo. My case was simple since it was a scene so I just deleted the ones listed and re-put them to the scene with the same values lol