Lots of get_node: Node not found errors in Debugger

Godot Version

Godot 4.3 RC1


Hi, I’m getting lots of these errors in the debugger when I run the game, referring to nodes that have long been deleted. Why is Godot still trying to reference them? Are they cached somewhere? Can I clean that cache without having to reimport anything? Thanks.

Please show a screenshot of that debugger

Godot doesn’t reference deleted nodes, maybe you’re doing that somewhere in your script.

If you know the node’s name, try searching for them (press CTRL+SHIFT+F while on the script window to search in all your peoject)

But yes, if you could share a screenshots of the errors and a screenshot of your scene and script where those nodes were it would help us a lot.

I’ve searched all scripts for any references to those ‘not found’ nodes but found nothing. I don’t recall referencing those nodes in my code anywhere either.