Missing the Editor Setting tab

Godot Version



I was missing the Editor Setting on Editor tab.

It shows the message: editor/plugins/script_editor_plugin.cpp:2452 - Couldn't open external text editor, falling back to the internal editor. Review your `text_editor/external/` editor settings.

How can I fix it? Thanks

You could try to manually update the settings.
Or even try to delete it, and make godot create a new one to see if that solves the issue.

In windows, the editor settings file is in “AppData\Roaming\Godot\editor_settings-4.3.tres” (for godot 4.3)

You can open it as a plain textfile and change the settings there.
You are probably looking for lines like these:

text_editor/external/use_external_editor = true
text_editor/external/exec_path = "some path"

Most likely, you’d want to either disable the ‘use external editor’ (by removing those lines), or update the path for a valid one.

This is still a bug, Godot shouldn’t stop working just because it couldn’t find a working path, so you can probably report this bug on github. (if that is indeed the problem)

I was deleted file \Godot\editor_settings-4.3.tres but it not working
Then, I changed the file editor_settings-4.3.tres like you said:

text_editor/external/use_external_editor = true
text_editor/external/exec_path = "~/Library/Application Support/Godot/"

But it still not working

Have you tried to remove those lines?
Or deleting the whole editor settings file?

I removed line text_editor/external/exec_path and change
text_editor/external/use_external_editor = false
It does not show the errors but still not show Editor Setting tab

It seems to be a MacOS thing:
Basically, on mac it seems the editor settings in inside the “Godot” menu for some reason.

On macOS, it’s in the Godot menu (this is the standard place for options for macOS apps), there are some other differences in menu item placement as well, e.g, Quit and About are also in Godot not in File and Help.

Here’s an open issue about this

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Oh I saw this at here. Thanks!