Multi-Step 3D Forest & Path Generation

Mostly a newbie to both Godot and coding in general. I know this is an advanced concept- but I need to set goals if I’m gonna get anywhere.

And one idea I have involves a 5 step procgen process that I don’t even know where to begin with. Essentially:

1.) it defines an area in which geometry can / cannot generate (the spawn area is a constant)

2.) it places ponds, wells, and other in-ground objects in a specified radius around spawn

3.) it procedurally generates a maze-like path from premade pieces, ensuring no overlaps with itself or other objects

4.) the ground geometry then generates around the paths, spawn, and in-ground objects; elevated slightly above everything else

5.) trees, bushes, rocks, and other goodies are placed on the ground

Obviously, I have a lot to learn before I get here… but for the sake of my future self, can anyone offer advice on how to achieve this? Especially the “procedurally fill the gaps with ground” thing.

There are tutorials online you can find for procedural generation. Just google some and start following along. Some questions you should answer for yourself:

1.) 2D or 3D?

2.) Where are you getting your assets? If you’re making them, do you know what you need to do to make them?

As for your questions:
1.) Create an Area2D/Area3D and define it with a CollisionShape.

2.) Same as #1.

3.) Online tutorials will help with this. I believe I saw one on exactly this before. Again, 2D vs 3D changes the implementation a lot. Either way, you’re likely going to be using layers. Also, there are a few plugins for Godot you can look at that can do stuff like this for you.

4.) 2D will use Y sort. 3D you can just move the object up, or use a GridMapLayer and put it on a higher layer.

5.) Not an issue. TileMapLayers (2D) can have objects defined, you can even use scenes as tiles. Same basically with GridMapLayers in 3D.