Godot Version
I’m getting this error:
E 0:00:13:0939 on_replication_start: The MultiplayerSynchronizer at path “/root/NetworkTest/Units/PlayerUnit/MultiplayerSynchronizer” is unable to process the pending spawn since it has no network ID. This might happen when changing the multiplayer authority during the “_ready” callback. Make sure to only change the authority of multiplayer synchronizers during “_enter_tree” or the “_spawn_custom” callback of their multiplayer spawner.
<C++ Error> Condition “pending_sync_net_ids.is_empty()” is true. Returning: ERR_INVALID_DATA
<C++ Source> modules/multiplayer/scene_replication_interface.cpp:244 @ on_replication_start()
But I’m not setting anything related to multiplayer authority in _ready.
I just followed a tutorial, based on Multiplayer in Godot 4.0: Scene Replication, where I’m setting the multiplayer authority in the setter, like this:
@export var multiplayer_id:int = 1:
multiplayer_id = id
The unit is instantiated when the player joins a game, like this:
func add_player(id:int = 1) -> void:
var unit:Unit
if id == 1:
unit = unit_red.instantiate()
unit.set_global_position(Vector3(8.0, -0.1, -6.4))
unit = unit_blue.instantiate()
unit.set_global_position(Vector3(-8.0, -0.1, -6.4))
unit.multiplayer_id = id
units_path.add_child(unit, true)
Any idea what’s going wrong?
Note: I’ve also seen some tutorials where the ID is passed through the name of the player object, but that won’t cut it for me as players will have to control multiple units whom will need unique names.
Help is much appreciated, I’m completely stuck!