My audio sounds crusty when multiple AudioStreamPlayers are running at the same time

Godot Version

Version: 4.2.1


For some reason when multiple AudioStreamPlayers play, I’d get this issue where it feels like they’re playing over each other?
I tried to rearrange them into arrays so that the last played sound would be removed but it just altered the feel of the game too much.
So I’d like to know what would be the case at hand.
In this footage you can notice how, whenever the enemies are hit, and there are other SFXs playing, it just sounds irritating to the ear.
It becomes more obvious when at the end of the game all the movement sounds play at the same time and it’s just a very annoying cacophony.

What should I do? In the following link is my nodes layout.

And the code for this Node related to SFXs is the following:

public partial class EnemyLogistics : Node2D,  IRecipient<SYSMessages.ProjectileHitsAlien>, IRecipient<SYSMessages.EnemyTouchesBorder>
    private bool enemyProjectileActive = false;
    private int invadersLoop = 0;
    public List<AudioStreamPlayer> InvadersMovement = new List<AudioStreamPlayer>();

    public AudioStreamPlayer InvaderKilled { get; set; }
    public Timer EnemyTimer { get; set; }
    private static bool stageCleared;
    private List<Enemy> Aliens = new List<Enemy>();
    private bool goingRight = true;
    private bool goingDown = false;

    public override void _Ready()
        int i = 1;
        while (GetNode($"Movement{i}") != null)

        InvaderKilled = (AudioStreamPlayer)GetNode("InvaderKilled");
        EnemyTimer = (Timer)GetNode("EnemyTimer");
        stageCleared = false;
        var nodes = GetTree().GetNodesInGroup("Enemies");
        foreach (var node in nodes)
            if (node is Enemy enemy)

    private void OnEnemyTimerTimeout()
    {       StrongReferenceMessenger.Default.Send<SYSMessages.InvadersAnimation>(new(true));

        if (invadersLoop == 3)
            invadersLoop = 0;

    public void Receive(SYSMessages.ProjectileHitsAlien message)
        //Registers the sounds playing in a list in order to remove them properly when they start playing over each other

        EnemyTimer.WaitTime -= 0.0155;
        int alienToDelete = 0;

        foreach (Enemy alien in Aliens)
            if (alien.GetRid() == message.enemyId)

I’m thankful for all the help possible. This issue is just making me a bit peeved.

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Slight update:

Apparently lowering the volume dB of my bus in the Audio tab helped quite a bit. I’m not too sure why multiple sound effects playing at the same times amps the volume gain to the point it starts crackling, but it’s a valuable step in the right direction.

My “only” issue now is that the aliens still make too much noise when there’s few of them existing. Will try to fix it if I can.