My character "walks" lying down in Godot 3D

Everything is displayed correctly in the inspector. But once you start the game, the character lies down. I don’t know why

What does the transform on your character and camera look like?



That’s interesting; the camera is a child of the player, the player is apparently lying on their side and the camera isn’t. Maybe something is going on in your Model transform or one of your scripts?

Your “Model” is of type Node which does not have any tranform data, children Node3Ds cannot inherit it’s transform data, if your CharacterBody3D Player moves then the Model’s children will not inherit that translation.

You do not show a mesh instance in your editor, how are you applying the mesh to this armature?

This is “Visual” node. It contains the materials of the mesh that is applied to the skeleton.

What happen if your “Armature” rotation x is back to 0.0