My first adventure

I don’t remember who said this, but I heard: “even if you don’t have much to show, show it anyway”.
At least I think. (maybe I am inventing stuff)

So, here I am:

Game development has always been interesting to me, so I followed Brackeys phenomenal tutorial :gdparty:

I already added some stuff too:

A coyote timer for the player.

A functional (but boring) main menu:

And a “spike enemy”:
It is actually a fruit

(This is so fun he he… :hatching_chick: )

Now I’m working to make a projectile based enemy

It is the first time I feel like I am part of something (=


I am starting to feel like it would be a good idea to start a new project.
If I make a new project, I will probably learn more that way. :upside_down_face:


that’s awesome thatcyou are trying to learn more

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Good Job! Keep it up! You will master game development easily.

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Thanks @pineapple123 and @KingGD :blush:

By the way, I ren in to a free couse cald GDQuest.
I am liking it so far. (=

Any way thanks



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GDQuest is a good one. I took thier shader tutorial. I think I might revist them it’s been years.