My first IOS App in Godot - A Trivia puzzle game "Clever Kitty"

Hello Everyone,

I just released a trivia puzzle game for IOS developed in Godot (android version coming soon). Clever Kitty

It took me 4 months from first commit to release which is a testament to how awesome the framework is. publishing on IOS was a breeze (android builds as well). Give it a try and tell me what you think!
App store link

If you like it, I would super appreciate a review


hey! congrats on your release. It looks beautiful.

just for curiosity, how long did the publishing process take ? … and how difficult was it ?

I will give it a try.


In terms of how long publishing took - I was a breeze and extremely straightforward. I had it approved and released on the app store the same day I decided to publish it. Only thing that was unexpected was that the app store requires a website with a privacy policy but I was able to deploy one for free using cloudflare pages as a static site host.

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I had it approved and released on the app store the same day I decided to publish it.

Woa, that’s much faster than what I thought. I guess it also depends on the complexity of the game.

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