My friends think they can easily Create a GTA Black Opps style game easily with no programming Experience. How can I convince them otherwise?


2 Of my friends want to get into programming. They have no experience whatsoever except a tiny bit of scratch. They have never coded a game and I cant convince them that it world be 100x easier if I taught them with a simpler 2D game but they cant seem to undersand that this will be really hard. Can you help me with this? Also, I already promised to help them.

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A quick google comes up with answers like this

Well, hypothetically speaking, if one person (given that they’re an expert in all must-have aspects of game development) were to make a game like GTA 5 by themselves, it would take approximately 3087 human work years to cross the finish line.

But I assume you want to discourage them. There’s more to a game than programming. Are you good at making 3D world models and animations? What about texturing and art? Are you good at creating a game design? Are you willing and able to commit 12 hour days?

I would say,attempt to put together a timeline how long it would take. And then multiply by 1000. But I can’t say it’s not doable.

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I suggest you encourage them and create a documentary series then sell it to Netflix. I’d love to watch a drama series with incompetent overly confident people getting hit with reality in HD.


Challenge them to create a 2d game pretend you need help with it.

Change friends

This is easy. Tell them to start by creating 3D models and the corresponding animations for all the 3D models. That should shut them up really fast unless they are already expert modelers and animators.

You don’t need do nothing, let them try. When the complexity scales and the bugs pile up they’ll understand. Life and experience are the best teachers.


lol just ask them to build it, within 5 mins u’ll see them quitting XD

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imagine if i clicked solution on this post lol

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