I am very new to Godot and I’m following tutorials on how to make a game with Godot. I just finished one and wanted to export it. In the tutorial, they checked the Embed PCK and I did the same but I got the error:
Save PCK: Can’t open file for reading-writing at path “C:/…/…/Desktop/Game.tmp”.
And I only got the Game.tmp file
When I unchecked the Embed PCK, I didn’t have the error and now I can play the game. How do I export the game with Embed PCK?
Any help is appreciated… Thank you.
This isn’t going to help you, but I exclusively export my desktop games with embedding pck without problem. I mention this only to confirm that it does indeed work. I use Linux as my development platform, so it helps you even less.
My guesses are that you are either out of drive space, or something in Windows has Game.tmp locked.
You can export your game without embedding the PCK, but it’s just a little more inconvenient for your users since they have to download and bother with two files instead of one.
As @dragonforge-dev mentioned, try different export folders and check that there are no illegal characters in your file names, this error can happen if you do that.
Your path starts with the root folder C:/ then tries to up a directory, twice ../../, this doesn’t work, there is no folder above C:/. Maybe you mean to use C:/users/Kelian/Desktop/
I have tried to export it in desktop and in different folders (drive D, it has more space), but it still has the same error.
Now I’ve restarted my laptop.
Okay turns out.
I export it in drive D, at first it gave me the same error (the save PCK error), then export it again to the same destination, it gave me a different error (PCK Embedding: Failed to open executable file “…/…/Game.tmp”), then I export it again to the same place and now it works.
I did it to Desktop and it works now?
So I guess alls well that ends well?
Also I want to ask, after exporting with embed PCK checked, we only get the Game application right? with no other folders?