Need help with identifiying the cause of very bad video glitches

Godot Version



I have had a lot of these very annoying glitches since upgrading to 4.2.2 when running the game in the editor. They persist even after closing the game and editor and I have to restart my computer or use CTRL + ALT + Backspace (I’m on Linux) to fix them. They also don’t show up on screenshots. I would create a GitHub Issue but I couldn’t reproduce them consistently yet. So I need your help to help me identify the problem. Do you know any logs or tools to check? Might this be an issue from Linux/Xorg?
Please excuse my English.

This looks like a hardware problem.

If you overclock your video card (or CPU), I’d suggest getting them back to stock speed and see if it helps.

  • If not, run a hardware (video card) burn-in test for some time.
  • It could also be a simple case of a dead/bad cooling fan on a video card.
  • Check temperature of video card.

If those are fine, it might be CPU and/or memory. Burn-in programs could help find which.

Which graphics card model and driver version are you using?

Also, are you on a X11 or Wayland session? Use echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE in a terminal to know.

X11 in a RX 6600 with mesa 24.2. I don’t overclock on Linux and can run a lot more complex games with out problems.

Can you reproduce this on 4.3.dev5? It’s received multiple fixes related to Vulkan synchronization that may fix the issue.

(Make a backup of your project before upgrading.)