One-Click Deploy on Android deletes user:// files

Godot Version

4.3 mono


It appears that using one-click deploy to Android deletes all files in the user:// directory. If you run the game from the device a subsequent time, the files remain, until you deploy again. It makes it exceedingly difficult to develop if you can’t effectively save data to the device (no, I don’t want to request permission to write elsewhere on the device)

Is this expected behaviour, an Android bug, or a Godot bug?

Is there a permission problem or another export setting that needs changing?
Godot doesn’t have any problem reading and writing to the user:// directory.

I’ve tried setting android:hasFragileUserData=“true” by setting “Retain Data on Uninstall” to on. I get the prompt asking if I want to keep data when uninstalling on the device. It still deletes the user:// data anyway whether uninstalling from the device or uninstalling as part of the one-click deploy process.

Its in the editor settings → export → android → One Click Deploy Clear Previous Install
Easy once you know how.

Its in the editor settings → export → android → One Click Deploy Clear Previous Install
Easy once you know how.

This didn’t affect anything for me… I found this in adb logcat though:

BackupManagerService: Restore manifest signatures do not match installed application for org.example.mypackagename
BackupManagerService: restoreFinished packageName=org.example.mypackagename
BackupManagerService: Unable to finalize restore of org.example.mypackagename

If i change the package ID it fixes the issue (the new package id can be re-installed without losing all the user:// files!)

This means you may be able to clear your cloud backups to fix this issue (without changing your package id)

see android - BackupManagerService: Unable to finalize restore - Stack Overflow

You may need to disable cloud backup or use multiple export profiles with different package IDs for this feature to work: (see the same page at #how-do-i-turn-off-cloud-backup-for-my-title-if-i-dont-want-it-to-be-used)