Online Multiplayer Scene Replication Error when Launching Godot

Godot Version



I’m making an online multiplayer game. There are MultiplayerSynchronizers and MultiplayerSpawners throughout many scenes in my game. I get the following error 29 times when launching Godot:

modules/multiplayer/scene_replication_config.cpp:59 - Condition “p_value.get_type() != Variant::BOOL” is true. Returning: false

This error doesn’t seem to cause any issue when running the game. Has anyone run into this before? I’d like to get these removed if possible

I pushed my project to Github (with this error). Then deleted the project from my local PC, recloned the Github repository to my local PC, and now the error no longer shows at all.

Looks like this might’ve been some kind of file corruption issue

It would have been easier probably to just delete the .godot folder.

good to know, thanks!