I’m working on an online multiplayer game. For now, it’s peer to peer, but I’ll likely make a dedicated server in the future. This is my first online game so my networking knowledge is beginner to low-end intermediate at best.
As of now, the player and level nodes are synchronized with MultiplayerSynchronizer nodes, and the game is playable on multiple devices
However, I haven’t quite figured out how to synchronize spawning a random powerup. My level scene uses an _on_timer_timeout function to randomly select between a few powerups and spawn one of them. The MultiplayerSynchronizer node doesn’t seem to allow you to select _on_timer_timeout for synchronization since it’s a signal and not a property
Since both the host and the peer are running the level scene at the same time
they end up spawning their own random powerup which of course isn’t always the same on host and peer.
I tried resolving by putting the following at the top of the _on_timer_timeout func but of course then the peer doesn’t have a powerup spawn at all for them:
if not multiplayer.is_server():
There must be a way to achieve this that I’m overlooking, whether that’s by using a workaround with the func, something with a MultiplayerSynchronizer node, or by adding random powerups another way.
Please let me know if you have a solution for this. Thanks!
Circling back to this, I found a solution for synchronizing randomly spawning a powerup between server and client:
1)I have a MultiplayerSpawner in my level scene. It’s spawn path is a node called Shrink. It contains an auto spawn list that contains all the scenes in the @onready vars below.
2)There are MultiplayerSynchronizer nodes inside each of the scenes in the @onready vars below
If set up this way, the powerups will be spawned by the server and automatically spawned on the clients when the server executes the code from my level scene below.
(yes I could’ve simplified this code):
extends Node
@onready var invincible = preload('res://powerups/star.tscn')
@onready var pencil = preload('res://powerups/penssile_powerup.tscn')
@onready var ball = preload('res://powerups/ball_powerup.tscn')
@onready var reverse = preload('res://powerups/reverse_gravity.tscn')
@onready var speed_scene = preload('res://powerups/speed.tscn')
@onready var spike = preload('res://powerups/spike_hat.tscn')
func _on_star_timer_timeout():
#get random value
var random_value = [1,2,3,4,5,6].pick_random()
#powerup spawned by server: on host too
if multiplayer.is_server():
if random_value == 1:
var item = invincible.instantiate()
item.position = $Marker2D4.position
if random_value == 2:
var item = pencil.instantiate()
item.position = $Marker2D4.position
if random_value == 3:
var item = ball.instantiate()
item.position = $Marker2D4.position
if random_value == 4:
var item = reverse.instantiate()
item.position = $Marker2D4.position
if random_value == 5:
var item = speed_scene.instantiate()
item.position = $Marker2D4.position
if random_value == 6:
var item = spike.instantiate()
item.position = $Marker2D4.position