I’m attempting to pause all gameplay, including shaders and GPUparticles3d that both use TIME, the built in variable.
The problem is that just using get_tree.paused() does not affect shaders. So, I tried using Engine.time_scale = 0.0, but this causes the particles to stutter.
Actually, when i pause the tree the GPUPaticles slowed down or somewhat … but it doesn’t look right. I would assume this is a bug, therefore a bug report seems to be appropriate.
You can set a particle system’s speed scale to zero (0) to have it ‘stop’.
For a shader, it depends and ideally, you’d have a uniform to control how/what the shader does; e.g. I have a unit highlight that has a frequency value; setting this to have a value of zero ‘pauses’ the shader.
I tried setting frequency to 0, for the shader, which kind of worked. However, this reset the time in my shader, creating some visual disparity. I ended up creating a new “shader_time” var(in my singleton process) and updating it += delta, when the game is unpaused. When the game pauses, it stops increasing. This worked better for me than trying to update a shader global.
My shader is applied to certain meshes that are instanced. So, I added them to a global group, so my game manager singleton can access them and pass “shader_time” to the ShaderMaterial on nodes in this group.
GameManager singleton code below, (states control pausing)
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
if get_tree().paused == false:
shader_time += delta
func set_shader_time(value : float):
var group_nodes = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group("shader_nodes")
for node in group_nodes:
if node is MeshInstance3D:
var material = node.material_overlay
if material is ShaderMaterial:
material.set_shader_parameter("shader_time", value)