PhysicalBoneSimulator3d Halts all animations

Godot Version



Has anyone had a issue where all their animation fail or just dont even play when you add a physical skeleton and PhysicalBoneSimulator to their node tree . The moment I do that and its active
image literally No animations work . But the moment I uncheck that box , all the animations are fine .

for a example go ahead and run the Platformer Demo 3d , add a physics bones to the player and then add this script . BOOM , no more animation

extends PhysicalBoneSimulator3D

var array = [“r-arm”,“r-forearm”]

func _ready() → void:

( also make all the bones on a separate collision layer , otherwise it will throw the player out the world in self collision

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I ran into this issue when attempting to update a project to Godot 4.3. The PhysicalBoneSimlator was working in for 4.2. I’m unsure what changes may have been made that broke between updates.

Yea that really annoyed me . I dont want to revert my project so ill think of some hacky way around it .