Godot Version
I am working on a 2D game where using a sprite2D node for the background (it’s pixels are calculated by a shader code), and a camera2D node for zooming and moving.
Problem (I hope you can see it on this video):
So when i am changing the zoom value, the background textures’ pixels are “moving” or something like that.
Using this code for changing the zoom with the use of Tweens (for the animation):
private readonly float zoomSteps = new float { 5f, 30f, 45f };
public override void _UnhandledInput(InputEvent @event)
if (@event is InputEventMouseButton)
InputEventMouseButton mouseEvent = (InputEventMouseButton)@event;
if (mouseEvent.IsPressed())
if (IsInstanceValid(ZoomTween) && ZoomTween.IsValid())
ZoomTween = CreateTween();
if (mouseEvent.ButtonIndex == MouseButton.WheelUp)
if (zoomIdx != zoomSteps.Length - 1)
if (mouseEvent.ButtonIndex == MouseButton.WheelDown)
if (zoomIdx != 0)
new Vector2(zoomSteps[zoomIdx], zoomSteps[zoomIdx]),
I tested it a little bit, and found that when i am not using a Math.Lerp or Tween to interpolate between the start and end values than there is no flickering.
This video shows it:
private void UpdateCameraZoom(float delta)
float newZoomX = zoomSteps[zoomIdx];
float newZoomY = zoomSteps[zoomIdx];
Zoom = new(newZoomX, newZoomY);
I tried the followings:
- reimported assets with enabled mipmap
- enabled the snap 2d transforms to pixel option
- changed the default filter option
Do you have any tip how to solve this?
Thanks in advance.