Godot Version
Godot 4.3
After a player dies in my game it goes to the main menu but when I press play it does not restart the game, it does nothing.
This is my code for the main_menu:
extends Control # Attach this script to a Control node, typically used for UI elements.
func _on_play_pressed() → void: # Function called when the “Play” button is pressed.
global_script.reset_player_stats() # Reset the player’s stats.
get_tree().change_scene_to_file(“res://scenes/dungeon_generator.tscn”) # Switch to the dungeon scene.
func _on_quit_pressed() → void: # Function called when the “Quit” button is pressed.
get_tree().quit() # Exit the game.
func _on_settings_pressed() → void: # Function called when the “Settings” button is pressed.
get_tree().change_scene_to_file(“res://scenes/settings_menu.tscn”) # Switch to the settings menu scene.
All the signals are connected properly, the quit and settings buttons work