Pong Online naad other feature help

Godot 4

Hey guys! If you don’t want to hear this info about me skip a few sentences. I’m Brock, a 12 year kid who really loves video games, and then I thought “hmmmmm… What if I made my own video games?” So here I am learning Godot! Okay, now for the question. How would I add online multiplayer to pong? I am trying to make and online pong, every time you press space the paddle turns a little. But you and your friend will have to try and destroy little enemies in the middle of the field. Or there’s normal mode which is just a normal 1v1. But I don’t know how to script yet, can someone please help?

use MultiplayerSpawner to spawn scenes for all clients, and use MultiplayerSynchronizor to update paddle & ball positions between clients.

p.s. online multiplayer is not for the faint of heart. but for bare-bone basics Godot can do it.